- A different man | Aaron Schimberg [Un hombre diferente]
- Alice (Subservience) | S.K. Dale
- Amber alert | Kerry Bellessa
- Azrael | E.L. Katz
- Beetlejuice Beetlejuice | Tim Burton
- Continue | Nadine Crocker
- Empire waist | Claire Ayoub
- I'll be right there | Brendan Walsh [Siempre estaré contigo]
- In the summers | Alessandra Lacorazza
- Lee | Ellen Kuras
- Little brother | Sheridan O'Donnell
- Megalópolis | Francis Ford Coppola
- My old ass | Megan Park [Mi yo del futuro]
- Never let go | Alexandre Aja
- Notice to quit | Simon Hacker
- Off ramp | Nathan Tape
- Omni loop | Bernardo Britto
- Speak no evil | James Watkins
- Stinky summer | Amanda Raymond
- The critic | Anand Tucker [El crítico de teatro]
- The front room | Max & Sam Eggers
- The killer's game | J.J. Perry
- The substance | Coralie Fargeat [La sustancia]
- The thicket | Elliott Lester
- Wild robot | Chris Sanders
- Winner | Susanna Fogel
- Wolves against the world | Quinn Armstrong