- 65 | Scott Beck & Bryan Woods [65:al borde de la extinción]
- A good person | Zach Braff [Una buena persona]
- A little white lie | Michael Maren
- A thousand and one | A.V. Rockwell
- Acidman | Alexandre Lehmann
- All the world is sleeping | Ryan Lacen
- Assassin | Jesse Atlas
- Blueback | Robert Connolly
- Boston strangler | Matt Ruskin
- Creed III | Michael B. Jordan
- Champions | Bobby Farrelly [Los campeones]
- Chang can dunk | Jingyi Shao [Puedes hacerlo Chang]
- Chantilly Bridge | Linda Yellen
- Children of the corn | Kurt Wimmer
- Confession | Dayna Hanson
- Dungeons & Dragons: honor among thieves | John F. Daley & Jonathan Goldstein
- Der passfälscher | Maggie Peren
- Enys men | Mark Jenkin
- John Wick, chapter 4 | Chad Stahelski
- Last sentinel | Tanel Toom
- Les cinq diables | Léa Mysius
- Les pires de Lise Akoka & Romane Gueret
- Malum | Anthony DiBlasi
- Moving on | Paul Weitz
- Murder mystery 2 | Jeremy Garelick [Misterio a la vista]
- Pacifiction | Albert Serra
- Palm trees and power lines | Jamie Dack [Nunca llueve en California]
- Perfect addiction | Castille Landon
- Pinball: the man who saved the game | Austin & Meredith Bragg
- Prom pact | Anya Adams [Pacto de graduación]
- Righteous thieves | Anthony Nardolillo
- Róise & Frank | Rachael Moriarty & Peter Murphy
- Scream VI de Matt Bettinelli-Olpin & Tyler Gillett
- Shazam! fury of the Gods | David F. Sandberg [Shazam!: la furia de los dioses]
- Space oddity | Kyra Sedgwick
- Spinning Gold | Timothy Scott Bogart
- Stalker | Steve Johnson
- Supercell | Herbert James Winterstern
- The donor party | Thom Harp [Embarazo a cualquier precio]
- The lost King | Stephen Frears
- The ritual killer | George Gallo
- The tutor | Jordan Ross
- Tori y Lokita | Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne
- Wildflower | Matt Smukler